On May 23, 2023, Mr. Ayuth Sintoppant, the Director-General of Department of Corrections, with the DOC delegation, arrived to meet Mr. Philipp Meissner, the Prison Reform Focal Point of Justice Section, The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), to discuss the possibility of further cooperation between the DOC of Thailand and UNODC on matters such as; Mandela Rules and Bangkok Rules, and the relations with the implementation of the DOC “6 Keys Foundation” of 2023.
Mr. Ayuth and Mr. Meissner also discussed prison management with regard to environment and longevity as factors, as well as the introduction of new technologies in correctional operations. At last, Mr. Ayuth showed appreciation for the “Group of Friends of Mandela” in achieving progress in supporting the foundation of correctional operations in multiple countries worldwide.
Mr. Ayuth also expressed his gratitude to UNODC for continuing support for the operation of the DOC of Thailand, which resulted in being selected as a Co-Chair country of the “Group of Friends of Mandela” in this conference, a big step for Thailand both domestically and internationally.